En iyi Tarafı C# IEnumerator neden kullanmalıyız

En iyi Tarafı C# IEnumerator neden kullanmalıyız

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In the method above, the enumerator's Dispose() is derece explicitly called, and because they are derece used within a using or foreach statement, would the underlying iterator remain in an open state? In my case with an open SqlConnection.

If you really want to, you could loop through the IEnumerator, putting the items into a List, and return that, but I'm guessing that's hamiş what you're looking to do.

If I were to describe the imperative solution above, “Begin with an empty list of names. Iterate through all the user objects performing the following process: Add to the list of user names the user’s name.”

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Bu terbiye paketimizde a’dan z’ye C# programlama dilinin hem syntax hem de yapısal açıdan tam teferruatlı temellerini atacak ve bir yandan da alakalı programlama dilinin piyasada mevcut olan en son güruhmüne derece(C# 9.

The enumerator does hamiş have exclusive access to the collection; therefore, enumerating through a collection is intrinsically not a thread-safe procedure. Even when a collection is synchronized, other threads sevimli still modify the collection, which causes the enumerator to throw an exception.

– zneak Commented Aug 1, 2012 at 4:50 I only want it to change when I increment it in Wrapper. In my code there is a value that needs to be incremented once and only once before the code is called, so I wanted to wrap it up so I wouldn't accidentally forget to do that at some point and introduce hard to trace bugs. (Updated the question to be a bit clearer in that regard, thanks!)

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Bu özellik, C# IEnumerator Kullanımı sakat kullanıcılar derunin görüntülük şarkıcı yazılımlar veya öbür yardımcı teknolojiler aracılığıyla kullanılabilir.

Current propertysi ile foreach bulunan elemana erişebilecek şekilde binalandırdım. MoveNext() metodunun gövdesinde bulunan indexi her seferinde arttırdım reset metodunda ise _current index bileğanlayışkenini 0 ladım.

If this subject interests you then you should read my long series on design characteristics of iterator blocks in C#.

C# ile MySQL veritabanından data listelemek derunin IEnumerable kullanarak bayağıdaki örnek şifre kullanılabilir:

Verilerin yineleyici şekilleri aracılığıyla verimli bir şekilde aktığı bir veri işlem hattı oluşturma.

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